

The Carnival of Space 629 is up at Universe Today. Universe Today – Europe and US are Going to Try and Deflect an Asteroid The three-day International AIDA Workshop, which ran from Sept. 11th to 13th, focused on the development …

New Horizons’ high-resolution Long-Range Reconnaissance Imager (LORRI) provided the best indication of Ultima Thule’s size and shape so far. Preliminary measurements of this Kuiper Belt object suggest it is approximately 20 miles long by 10 miles wide (32 kilometers by …

Japan’s asteroid mission Hayabusa2 has successfully dropped the first two rovers to the surface of its target space rock Ryugu. Hayabusa2 dropped to a lowest altitude of just 55 meters from the surface and released twin rovers, called MINERVA-II 1A …

The first-ever mission to demonstrate an asteroid deflection technique for planetary defense — the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) — is moving from concept development to preliminary design phase. Artist concept of NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft. DART, …

Lockheed Martin and the United States Air Force have been working on improving the performance of the F-22 Raptor’s stealth coatings. While the Raptor is by far the most capable air superiority fighter ever built, its Achilles’ Heel since it …

Astro Teller, director of the moonshot factory at Alphabet known simply as X, explains how he is a “culture engineer” and how he systematizes innovation by creating a work environment where employees are encouraged to be audacious. He says they …

Samsung just introduced hearable wearables devices will at least get a mass-market introduction. Hearables will help people of normal hearing by enhancing their ability to hear in the presence of noise. WiFore Consulting predicts that hearables will be the fastest …

Russian state media is reporting that the country’s Defense Ministry is developing a nuclear-armed bomber than could launch attacks from space. A prototype aircraft is under development and will be ready for trials by 2020. According to RIA Novosti, the …

India’s robust growth rate is likely to level off in the coming year and could drop to as low as 7 per cent in an “increasingly grim” world economy, according to Arvind Subramanian, the government’s chief economic adviser. Releasing India’s …

China leadership said it would abandon its controversial “one-child policy” on Thursday and allow all couples to have two children, effectively ending the biggest population control experiment in history amid growing pressures from a rapidly aging population. China’s unpopular one-child …