

This is the Carnival of Space 626. Here is an archive of all of the past weekly Carnivals of Space. This where space-related blog joined together for weekly summaries of articles from all of the space blogs. Just email an …

Super-thin, lightweight X-ray mirrors made of silicon can make next-generation X-ray space telescopes. Above – Goddard scientist Will Zhang holds mirror segments made of silicon. These X-ray optics have been baselined for the proposed Lynx X-ray Observatory. Credits: Chris Gunn/NASA …

1. Universe Today – LightSail 2 is Sending Home New Pictures of Earth LightSail 2, the brainchild of The Planetary Society, has gifted us two new gorgeous images of Earth. The small spacecraft is currently in orbit at about 720 …

2. Universe Today – Uranus’ Rings are Surprisingly Bright in Thermal Emissions Uranus’ system has a temperature of just 77 K (-196 °C; -320 °F). The observations also confirmed that Uranus’s brightest and densest ring (the Epsilon ring) differs from …

Asteroid Day is a global movement to protect Earth from asteroid impacts. 5 Days of Asteroid TV is streaming now! Tune in 12PM CEST (6AM ET, 9AM PST) on June 28 (tomorrow) to watch the 6-hour broadcast of Asteroid Day …

The Carnival of Space 616 is up at Every Day Spacer Universe Today – Black hole simulation solves a mystery about their accretion disks Universe Today – You Can Use a Live Webcam to Watch NASA Build the Mars 2020 …

Carnival of Space 615 is up at Urban Astronomer. Universe Today – Subaru Telescope Sees 1800 Supernovae Japanese astronomers have captured images of an astonishing 1800 supernovae. 58 of these supernovae are the scientifically-important Type 1a supernovae located 8 billion …

1. Newly-built planet-finding instrument installed on Very Large Telescope aims to be first to directly image a habitable exoplanet. The instrument, called NEAR (Near Earths in the AlphaCen Region), is designed to hunt for exoplanets in our neighbouring star system, …

Carnival of Space 613 is up at Cosmoquest. Universe Today – Advanced Civilizations Could be Communicating with Neutrino Beams. Transmitted by Clouds of Satellites Around Neutron Stars or Black Holes Dr. Albert Jackson of the Houston-based technology company Triton Systems …

Scientists from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) used giant lasers to flash-freeze water into its exotic superionic phase and record X-ray diffraction patterns to identify its atomic structure for the very first time — all in just a few billionths …