August 9, 2019
A White House draft order called Protecting Americans from Online Censorship asks the FCC to restrict the government’s view of the good-faith provision. Under the draft proposal, the FCC will be asked to find that social media sites do not …

August 6, 2019
Robert Epstein proposes a plan to limit Google, Facebook and Twitter from manipulating up to 15 million votes in the United States. Epstein is not a conservative. He has been center/center-left my whole adult life and supported Hillary Clinton in …

August 3, 2019
Become a part of the new decentralized Marketplace, Particl. Submit your keys to be in with a chance of winning prizes. Particl is celebrating the launch of its Open Marketplace and is giving users the chance to win a Trezor …

August 2, 2019
Facebook, OpenStreetMap, and Map with AI are creating tools that will enable vastly faster mapping of unmapped roads and other unmapped feature. Artificial intelligence to predict features on high-resolution satellite imagery; these features are then populated in our RapiD map …

July 24, 2019
Social engineering is when someone tricks people into making security mistakes or giving away sensitive information. Social engineering attacks are increasing. According to the FireEye email threat report, they discovered a 26% increase in malicious URLs using HTTPS and a …

July 19, 2019
FaceApp is based in St. Petersburg, Russia and over 150 million people have uploaded faces and names to the app. FaceApp owns a never-ending and irrevocable royalty-free license to do anything they want with the pictures and data. This brings …

June 17, 2019
Elon Musk has tweeted that he deleted his twitter account. However, the Elon Musk Twitter account still seems to exist. Elon Musk got in trouble a few months back when he tweeted “funding assured” for a potential buyout of Tesla.

June 6, 2019
Facebook is talking with U.S. Commodity and Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) about Facebook’s planned Globalcoin. It will be a crypto stablecoin initiative. The Financial Times reports the CFTC chairman Christopher Giancarlo said the agency held very early stages of conversations …