

Elon Musk tweeted out video of SpaceX catching the $3 million half of a payload fairing. The payload fairing are two halves of the cover of the rocket payload. Rocket fairing falling from space (higher res) pic.twitter.com/sa1j10qAWi — Elon Musk …

SpaceX’s SmallSat Rideshare Program will provide small satellite operators with regularly scheduled, dedicated Falcon 9 rideshare missions to SSO for ESPA class payloads. This will be as low as $2.25 million per satellite for up to 150 kg of payload …

Elon Musk has posted progress that the SpaceX team has made on the Orbital version of the Starship. Pictures are of a 9-meter dome rotation and the tSarship airframe behind windbreak. The windbreak is to prevent the Starship from being …

Elon Musk the first version of the Orbital Starship could be ready to fly with 3 Raptor engines by the end of August. Three Raptor engines will not be enough to get it to orbit. Very convincing! Ok, Boca it …

Elon said orbital refilling is vital to humanity’s future in space. More likely spacecraft to spacecraft (as aircraft do aerial refueling), than a dedicated depot, at least at first. NASA and SpaceX are working on orbital refueling. Orbital refilling is …

There is a 250 page draft from NASA with an environmental assessment of the SpaceX Super Heavy Starship that reveals new information about SpaceX technology. Plan for 24 Launches Per Year The SpaceX goal is to eventually launch Starship/Super Heavy …

August 24th, either at Cape Canaveral or Boca Chica, Elon Musk will present a detailed review of the first Orbital Starship with pros and cons of the design decisions. Yes, detailed review of the first orbital Starship, explaining the pros …

United Launch Alliance made short-sighted decisions to keep taking Space Launch System (SLS) Pork over making real technological progress. The SLS is a Shuttle-Derived Launch Vehicle. The shuttle was politically compromised 1970s technology that flew from 1981 to 2010. NASA …

NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine announced July 25 the agency will conduct a “Green Run” core stage test for the Space Launch System rocket ahead of the upcoming Artemis 1 lunar mission. Perhaps in November, 2019, NASA and ULA could start …

Facebook, OpenStreetMap, and Map with AI are creating tools that will enable vastly faster mapping of unmapped roads and other unmapped feature. Artificial intelligence to predict features on high-resolution satellite imagery; these features are then populated in our RapiD map …