September 12, 2019

Swedish insurance company Folksam releases the results of its annual study on the country’s safest cars. Folksam bases their safety analysis on actual accidents. However, Tesla cars only had seven accidents in Sweden. This is not enough for Folksam to perform statistical analysis.
men att bilparken e förliten är ju väldigt vagt. Det ska inte behövas en massa krockar för att klassa en bil som säker. Har bilen funnits sedan 2016 så får man ju ändå anta att den är säkrare än de som krockar hela tiden och har låg skaderisk.
— David (@Dagispappan) September 6, 2019
Här kan du läsa lite mer om varför tex Tesla inte är med: https://t.co/bw0YvAvAMc
— Folksam nyheter (@FolksamMedia) September 5, 2019

nextbigfuture.com, the top online science blog. He is also involved in angel investing and raising funds for breakthrough technology startup companies.
He gave the recent keynote presentation at Monte Jade event with a talk entitled the Future for You. He gave an annual update on molecular nanotechnology at Singularity University on nanotechnology, gave a TEDX talk on energy, and advises USC ASTE 527 (advanced space projects program). He has been interviewed for radio, professional organizations. podcasts and corporate events. He was recently interviewed by the radio program Steel on Steel on satellites and high altitude balloons that will track all movement in many parts of the USA.
He fundraises for various high impact technology companies and has worked in computer technology, insurance, healthcare and with corporate finance.
He has substantial familiarity with a broad range of breakthrough technologies like age reversal and antiaging, quantum computers, artificial intelligence, ocean tech, agtech, nuclear fission, advanced nuclear fission, space propulsion, satellites, imaging, molecular nanotechnology, biotechnology, medicine, blockchain, crypto and many other areas.